
Before beginning of the experimental work, users will be asked to compile a written form describing some technical characteristic of their samples. This is necessary in order to ensure appropriate handling of your materials as well as protection of the facility personnel and other users.

Please be aware that:

  • Radioactive or Explosive substances are not accepted.
  • Laboratories of the core facility Imaging are classified as Biosafety LEVEL 1. Samples or experimental procedures that belong to other biohazard categories are not allowed.
  • The users are responsible of the quality-safety of the samples as well as for the proper disposal of waste and other the materials used during the experiment in accordance to the current regulation.
  • The core facility accepts no liability for sample damage and for sample damage induced by other users. We reserve the right to request analysis or proof of the quality of the samples (i.e. for cells absence of mycoplasma contamination).
  • Core Facility personnel can interrupt measurements if those are not performed in accordance with the regulation of the Core Facility or of the General Laboratory Regulations of the University of Vienna.
  • Raw data will be archived for a limited amount of time. Exceptions can be discussed with the staff.