General rules
- Eating and drinking in the laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry is forbidden without exception.
- Adequate Personal Protective Equipment must be used.
- Hazards and potentially hazardous behaviors have to be avoided.
- The users are responsible for every accompanying person, this includes interns or students, but also visitors. In any case access to the laboratories is granted in adherence to the respective rules and guidelines of the University of Vienna (General Laboratory and Workshop Regulations of the University of Vienna).
- The users are kindly asked inquire on the availability of the instruments at least one week before the performance of the experiments.
- You are kindly requested to acknowledge the Faculty Center in all publications containing data generated with the support of the Core Facility Multimodal Imaging. (e.g.: The imaging data were supported by the Core Facility Multimodal Imaging…) Independently from co-authorship, we kindly request the bibliographical data of all such publications.
- These rules are only a selection. All guidelines listed in the documents accompanying the safety training course and the General Laboratory and Workshop Regulations of the University of Vienna must be strictly adhered to.