Giorgia Del Favero
Academic Career and Education
- Since 2022 Tenure Track Professor for Toxicology, University of Vienna, Faculty of Chemistry
- 2021 Habilitation (venia docendi)
- Since 2019 Head of the Core Facility Multimodal Imaging, University of Vienna, Faculty of Chemistry
- Since 09/2017 Senior Scientist at the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, University of Vienna, Austria
- 10/2014-08/2017 PostDoc Research Assistant at the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, University of Vienna, Austria
- 11/2012-09/2014 Post-doctoral fellowships University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture. Evaluation of the consequences of pathological and toxicological processes in the mechanical properties of the cells
- 10/2013-01/2014 Visiting researcher at University of Arizona, Department of Physiology, Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program (Tucson, US). Marie Curie Actions—International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES). FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES
- 01/2009-04/2012 PhD School Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies of the University of Trieste. Project title: “Characterization of the risk of palytoxin and analogues as seafood contaminants”
- 10/2003-11/2008 Single cycle advanced degree Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (5 years program) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Trieste, Italy
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Oral Presentations (selection)
- 02/2024 Del Favero G.: "Bladder cells: morpho-metabolic adaption strategies to cope with chemical and physical challenges", Invited Talk at the XXXII Workshop of the Unit of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
- 02/02023 Del Favero G.: “Neue Perspektiven für die pharmakotoxikologische Analyse mit dem Ansatz der biophysikalischen Toxikologie”, Invited Talk at the Justus Liebig Universität, Gießen, Germany
- 02/2023 Del Favero G.: “Toxicity of urinary-occurring contaminants and mechanisms of adaptive plasticity of bladder cells”, Invited Talk at the INRAE, Toulouse, France
- 10/2022 Del Favero G., Activity profiling of Fusarium mycotoxins: new meachanisms for old enemies, Invited Talk at the World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology (IST), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- 09/2022 Del Favero G., Toxicity triggered by modulation of mass and strucutral integrity of non-cytosekeletal organelles: a new perspective for organ-on-a-chip expermiments?, ASTOX Sympsoium, Vienna, Austria
- 11/2021 Del Favero G., Targeting membrane structure in intestinal cells: implications for biomechanical compliance and toxicity, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Online
- 02/2020 Del Favero G., Moving perspectives: bridging multi-imaging to multi-omics, 31st MassSpec Forum Vienna 2020, Vienna, Austria
- 12/2019 Del Favero G., Novel strategies for toxicity testing of food contaminants: the integrated biophysical toxicology approach, Invited talk at the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- 05/2019 Del Favero G., Janker L., Neuditschko B., Hohenbichler J., Woelfingseder L., Gerner Ch., Marko D., Proteomic profiling reveals molecular cell responses to deoxynivalenol treatment in human A431 epidermoid squamous carcinoma cells, 41. Mycotoxin Workshop, Lissabon, Portugal
- 04/2019 Del Favero G., Hohenbichler J., Mayer R.M., Zaharescu R., Marko D., Cell Membrane: structure and biophysical properties determining response to toxicants, ASTOX Symposium, Vienna, Austria
- 09/2018 Del Favero G., Marko D., Nrf2 and the intestine: chemical and physical regulators to highlight the difference between non-transformed intestinal epithelial cells and colorectal adenocarcinoma, Congress Bio2018, NutRedOx COST Action CA16112, Gdansk, Poland
- 07/2018 Del Favero G., Janker L., Neuditschko B., Woelflingseder L., Gerner Ch., Marko D., Unravelling the effect of deoxynivalenol on A431 cells: Proteome profiling and imaging, Mycotoxin Summer Talks, Tulln, Vienna
- 05/2018 Del Favero G., Woelflingseder L., Janker L., Neuditschko B., Gerner Ch., Marko D.,Image analysis and proteomic profiling: complementary tools for toxicity studies, Young Analytical Forum, Vienna, Austria
- 11/2017 Del Favero G., From microscopy to numbers: the long way of image analysis, Seminar of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria
- 07/2017 Del Favero G., Mycotoxins and mechanotransduction: A meeting at cellular level, Mycotoxin Summer Talks, Tulln, Austria
- 04/2017 Del Favero G., Woelflingseder L., Seriani S., Gallina P., Sbaizero O., Marko D. Characterization of the toxicity of deoxynivalenol in a mechanically stimulated environment, Astox Symposium, Vienna, Austria
- 05/2016 Del Favero G., Woelflingseder L., Pahlke G., Warth B., Fruhmann Ph., Krska R., Schuhmacher R., Wiesenberger G., Adam G., Marko D. Deoxynivalenol sulfates: detoxification metabolites? 38th Mycotoxin Workshop, Berlin, Germany